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Modern Living Room

Windows & Doors Remodeling In Salem, Oregon

Expert Installations. Quality Windows & Doors.  If it can be done, our skilled craftspeople can do it. Over the years we've built solutions that refuse to dare. The results are astonishing as your left with a finished product that looks as if it was part of the original design. When it comes to common services such as painting, texture, and fixtures we do them uncommonly well.

Here Are Signs That It's Time To Replace Your Windows Or Doors. 


Rotting Wood. If a screwdriver can sink easily into the wooden frame, then it likely needs replacing. A damp environment like the Seattle region is especially hard on many types of older all-wood or wood-based frames.

Broken & Old Windows. Operating a compromised window may further damage the existing window, as well as create a security hazard for your home. Repairing or restoring old windows is almost always an option, but not always worth the time and expense. Consider replacement.

Energy Efficiency. Extremely high utility bills? Your windows could be to blame. Windows are thermal holes. An average home may lose 30% of its heat or air-conditioning energy through its windows.

Outdated Style & Function. Are your old windows troublesome? Consider: Ease of Operation: Do they lift, swing or slide easily? Cleaning: Is cleaning your windows a difficult task? Inability to Sell Home: Are the functionality or style of your windows playing a role?

Compromised Glass. Fog or moisture build-up inside the windows glass panels. If the glass shows visible gaps between the pane and the sealant or frame, or if the glass is physically damaged by cracks, chips, or holes, the window is no longer an effective insulator.


Contact us today. Lets discuss how we can help you achieve the space of your dreams. Oasis Renovations - where your vision becomes a reality.

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